Robert Poth Claims Two National Titles


GB and Hemel Ski Race Club racer Robert Poth (14) continues to light up the scoreboards in Alpine ski racing during the 2011/12 winter race season. Robert has claimed two more National Ski racing titles at the recent Italy based England Alpine 2012 Championships hosted by Snowsport England but narrowly missed out on a hat trick due to crashing out on the last run of Slalom . The Championships have previously seen racers such as Vancouver 2010 Olympians Chemmy Alcott and Dave Ryding take part.

The Children’s championships took place on the Steep Stella Alpina pistes in Bormio with extreme cold temperatures and on some days, high winds and heavy snow which added to the challenge.

The first competition was the Slalom discipline which comprised of two separate course runs which have to be completed for the championship title. After the first run, Robert held a commanding lead of over one second on the rest of the field but in the second run, although he had put another tremendous run down and looked like he was going to take the win, unfortunately came to grief one gate from the finish. This error cost him dearly in his favourite discipline and opened up the Slalom race overall for results.


Robert in Slalom action. Run 1 Winner.

Robert put the disappointment behind him for day 2 which hosted the Giant Slalom Competition. He went on to win both runs of an exhilarating Boys Giant Slalom competition with a combined time over 3 seconds faster than the second placed competitor to claim the Under 16 English Giant Slalom Champion title.


Robert Poth c/o Racer -Ready

Robert also went on to win the U16 English Super G Champion title being the fastest English racer the following day with a breath taking run on the World cup Stelvio piste which has the notorious San pietro jump which ensures the respect of the on looking spectators including Robert’s Mum, Gillian Poth, who throughout the week was the English Alpine Championship’s race commentator.


Gillian Poth with the Stella Alpina race piste in the background. ( -6 that day!! Brrrrrr……..)

Robert’s progress and further information can be followed on

Thank you to Gillian for the article.


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